Buff laced Polish Fertile Egg (each)


Polish are known for their distinctive crest of feathers on their head, giving them a unique and charming appearance. They are friendly, docile birds that make excellent pets. They are one of the best layers in bantams and don’t often exhibit broody behavior.  Their small size and characteristics make them ideal for small urban backyard and young families.

The offspring from this pen hatch in buff laced dominantly, occasional gold lace based and white, with a possibility of having the frizzle feather trait.


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We avoid breeding “Frazzle”

We currently have a frizzle rooster (Stevie) who is the main breeder, along with a straight-feathered rooster (Peta) over straight-feathered hens. We avoid breeding frizzle roosters with frizzle hens, as this can result in brittle-feathered offspring known as “Frazzle,” which is not an ideal trait for the bird’s well-being.


  • Originated from Europe/ Russia.
  • Mature weight is around 1 kg
  • Slow maturing – first eggs around 7- 8 months.
  • Medium to large sized white eggs, expected to lay between 150-200 per year.
  • Broodiness – does not go broody often
  • Maintenance – low, occasional feather trim may require around eyes for better vision.

The Polish Bantam is a delightful and ornamental breed of chicken known for its distinctive crest of feathers on top of its head, resembling a stylish hat. Originating in the Netherlands, Polish Bantams have become popular worldwide for their unique appearance and friendly temperament.

Polish Bantams are small chickens with a compact body and a round, fluffy appearance. They have feathered crests that give them a charming and somewhat comical appearance, with the crest varying in size and shape depending on the individual bird. Their plumage comes in a variety of colors, including white, black, buff, silver, and golden, with each color variety adding to their visual appeal. One of the most distinctive features of Polish Bantams is their crest of feathers, which can sometimes obstruct their vision. This can make them more vulnerable to predators, so it’s important to provide them with a safe and secure enclosure.

In addition to their striking appearance, Polish Bantams are known for their friendly and sociable nature. They are typically docile and easy to handle, making them suitable for families with children and other pets. They are also known to be excellent layers of small to medium-sized eggs and don’t exhibit broody behavior often, making them both beautiful and practical additions to any backyard flock. Requiring minimal care, we find them to be quite hardy and adaptable to most climates. They may benefit from occasional trimming around the eyes for better vision. In mixed flocks, they tend to occupy a mid-range position in the pecking order. For optimal compatibility, it’s recommended to keep them with similar-sized breeds such as Silkies, Belgians, Bantam Orpingtons, rather than larger full-sized breeds.


Polish frizzle hen “Jill”

The Polish breed is one where the Frizzled feather trait is accepted as “Pure” according to the Australian Poultry Standard. The Frizzle gene is passed down to approximately 50% of offspring, meaning that not all chicks hatched from a Frizzled hen’s egg will inherit this trait. Frizzled gene carriers can be identified around day 5 when chicks begin to develop their first feathers around the wing tips.

“Throw back” gold laced chick hatched from Buff laced parents, Frizzle gene carrier

Our original breeding groups stem from three distinct bloodlines: two from South Australia and one from the Australian Capital Territory. Over the years, we’ve selectively developed our own line, incorporating both frizzled and straight-feathered hens. Our breeders are free from horns, possess correct leg colors, and have no history of missing toe nail faults (which are common in Australian Polish lines). Remarkably, they produce large white eggs during the laying season.

The Buff Laced color genetics occasionally require “re-setting” by breeding with the Gold Laced gene to enhance the depth of buff color and lacing quality. Consequently, we observe this genetic throwback in offspring from our breeding groups. Our chicks have been successfully exhibited by our customers on various occasions.


Please see Polish – Open Poultry Standard Australia for more info and breed standards.

More info found on Breeds – Polish page

Related Post – Frizzle chicken & Eggs FAQ

Polish Genetic Throwback

1. Our Polish breeding stock all exhibit buff lacing and beards. While the majority of offspring hatch with buff lacing, there is a slight possibility of Gold laced and White offspring hatching. Read more “What is Genetic Throwback?”

2. The beard trait is an autosomal incomplete dominant characteristic. This means it is typically dominant, though not always expressed. Even when both parents possess full beards, there remains a possibility of non-bearded offspring. The expression of this trait is not consistent, and variations may arise in subsequent generations. Hence, while most offspring will exhibit a beard, there is a chance that some may not inherit this trait.

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1/2 Dozen – 6 eggs, 1 Dozen – 12 eggs, Day Old Chicks – Each

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