Ruptured air sac, also known as subcutaneous emphysema, happens when air escapes from a chick’s respiratory system and gets trapped under the skin. This can …

It all begins with happy chooks
Ruptured air sac, also known as subcutaneous emphysema, happens when air escapes from a chick’s respiratory system and gets trapped under the skin. This can …
Crested breeds, such as Polish, Silkies and Araucana, require regular checks to ensure their crest feathers are not obstructing their vision. When feathers around the …
– “No Resting”: Air cell damage occurs when there is a tear between the two membranes of the egg, often caused by vibrations, drops, and …
Japanese Quail Brooder Setup and Care Japanese quails require brooder set up ; heat source, bedding, feed and water upon hatch. Good heat source is …
When to Use Water Candling? Use water candling at the end of the hatch when you have unhatched eggs and are unsure if they are …
⚠️ Content Warning: This post discusses euthanasia as an option. (no graphic image included) If this is a sensitive topic for you, please feel free …
Raising countless chicks every season, we often find that the ones who steal our hearts and catch our attention from a young age often turn …
Chickens typically naturally grind down their nails by scratching and digging in the ground, so nail clipping is generally unnecessary. However, some chickens, like Silkies, …
“Feather trimming” is a standard breeding practice, especially before the breeding season. No harm comes to the chickens. Trimming is typically reserved for breeds with …
Initial Candling : Day 5-7 While it might pose a challenge for beginners, there are distinct indicators to watch for. When candling eggs, ensure you’re …