Creating a first aid kit for chickens is a proactive way to ensure you’re prepared to handle common health issues that may arise in your …
Feeding : What to feed & NOT to feed
OK to feed List Note about Treat. Giving chickens too many treats and scraps on a daily and routine basis can lead to picky eating …
Introducing new chickens to existing flock
Introducing new chickens to an existing flock requires careful planning and management to minimize stress and potential conflicts. Here are a few tips we’d like …
How to Sprout Grains for chicken
Sprouted Grains can be a nutritious addition to a chicken’s diet. Sprouting grains like wheat, barley increases their digestibility and nutrient availability, making them an …
Importance of Protein level in the feed
Too much Protein is harmful for chicken. Some poultry keepers opt for high-protein feeds, such as game bird feed which contains over 20-22% of protein, …
Chicken Feed 101
Selecting the appropriate chicken feed for each stage of a chicken’s life is vital for their overall health, growth, and productivity. Every life stage, including …
Feathers Everywhere – Chicken Moulting
What is “Moulting”?’ Chicken molting season typically occurs in late summer to early fall, although the exact timing can vary depending on factors such as …
Egg season – Why aren’t they laying?
Heritage chickens have laying season. Heritage chickens have a laying season that corresponds with the natural rhythms of daylight and temperature changes. However, the exact …
Quarantine – Why & How
So you’ve acquired new chickens, and after diligently checking off all the health requirements as we suggested, they appear healthy and content. You’re eagerly anticipating their …
Supplier List – Australia wide
Here’s a list of our trusted suppliers who provide us with a variety of poultry goods. We’ve only included the ones we’ve personally worked with …