Crested breeds, such as Polish, Silkies and Araucana, require regular checks to ensure their crest feathers are not obstructing their vision. When feathers around the …

It all begins with happy chooks
This category provides essential knowledge about various aspects of raising chickens, covering topics such as nutrition and general care.
Crested breeds, such as Polish, Silkies and Araucana, require regular checks to ensure their crest feathers are not obstructing their vision. When feathers around the …
Chickens typically naturally grind down their nails by scratching and digging in the ground, so nail clipping is generally unnecessary. However, some chickens, like Silkies, …
“Feather trimming” is a standard breeding practice, especially before the breeding season. No harm comes to the chickens. Trimming is typically reserved for breeds with …
We’ve discussed the primary components of chicken coop setup in Part 1 and Part 2. In this post, we’ll explore additional features like roost bars, …
In Part 1, we covered the primary considerations before purchasing a chicken coop, including setup style, material, predator-proofing, and fencing. Now, let’s delve into the …
Throughout our journey with chickens, we’ve had the opportunity to explore various coop options available in the market and even construct a few designs ourselves. …
Water plays a vital role in the absorption of nutrients from feed. Without adequate water intake, chickens may not be able to properly digest and …
Common Feeder & Feeding Problem. “My chickens tend to scatter a lot of food around their feeders.” This behavior often occurs when they’re fed a …
OK to feed List Note about Treat. Giving chickens too many treats and scraps on a daily and routine basis can lead to picky eating …
Sprouted Grains can be a nutritious addition to a chicken’s diet. Sprouting grains like wheat, barley increases their digestibility and nutrient availability, making them an …