Wyandotte chicks are typically distinguishable by gender around 4-6 weeks of age. While males may exhibit slower development of wing and tail feathers compared to …

It all begins with happy chooks
This category focuses exclusively on chick and chicken sexing, offering detailed guidance accompanied by breed-specific photos to assist in distinguishing the gender of the birds. With practical advice and visual cues, you can identify the sex of their chickens, ensuring accurate management of their flock.
Wyandotte chicks are typically distinguishable by gender around 4-6 weeks of age. While males may exhibit slower development of wing and tail feathers compared to …
Welsummer chicks can be sexed upon hatch based on their color and markings. Females on the left and in the middle, male on the right. …
Cream Legbars are an auto-sexing breed, which allows for easy sexing of chicks upon hatching based on their distinct color and markings. Cream Legbar sexing …
Brahma chicks are typically easy to sex around 4-6 weeks old. Males tend to develop their comb rapidly and have noticeably larger bodies compared to …
“Faverolles” is always spelled with an “s” at the end, both in the singular and the plural. And the “s” is always silent. It is …
“Can you help me determine if my chicken is a hen or a rooster?” This question is a common one across poultry pages, as sexing …
Standard Orpington chicks can typically be sexed around 6-8 weeks old. Males may show slower feather development on the shoulders and tails compared to females, …
Speckled Sussex chicks can be slightly tricky to sex for beginners, especially without other chicks of the same hatch to compare. Experienced keepers can make …
Sexing Silkie chicks can be challenging, especially for beginners, and it may be confusing. While some are easily distinguished after 8 weeks, others may present …
Polish chicks may take a bit longer to show signs of their sex, but there are small indicators that can help determine it. It’s often …