*24/08/24 Hatch* Sexed & Unsexed Chicks

$45.00$90.00 inc GST

โ€ข 24 AUG 2024 hatch
Photos are breed reference only.

We have sexed our chicks based on their development to the best of our knowledge. We’re allowing a couple more days – week to confirm their sex before offering them as sexed chicks.

Please visit “BREEDS” for detailed information on each breed, colour and genetic note.

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– Marek’s disease
– Coccidiosis
– Mycoplasma MS & MG

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Images were taken at 2 weeks old, breed appearance reference purpose only.

Un-medicated Feed Only

Our chicks are vaccinated for Coccidiosis upon hatching, allowing them to develop immunity from the vaccination. Common chick feed often contains medication, which can negate the immunity provided by the vaccination. Please ensure that you provide feed that does not contain medication. Un-medicated Chick starters are available to purchase on the website. [Click to view]

Minimum Order 2 Chicks

Please select assorted breeds or opt for a single breed as long as the total number of chicks is 2 or more.
For those starting a new flock, we recommend beginning with at least 3 chicks.

Chick care tips

How to introduce day-old chicks to a broody hen or raise chicks in a brooder?ย  Please click here to view.

Sexed chicks

– Certain breeds are hatched from Auto-sexing or Sex-linked breeding pens, where chicks display distinct colors and markings at birth, allowing us to accurately determine their gender based on appearance.

More info available – Auto sexing and Sex linked breeding

– Chicks can be sexed as they grow, with some identifiable as early as 2 weeks, while others may take 6-8 weeks for confirmation. Sexing is based on our knowledge and experience, and while generally accurate, we will clearly state when weโ€™re not 100% certain so that customers can make an informed decision.

Un-sexed chicks

Un-sexed chicks belong to breeds where gender cannot be definitively identified by physical traits at hatching. The only method to determine their sex is by a skilled or equipped vent/probe chick sexer, which yields approximately 80% accuracy. As we lack this expertise, we offer them as ‘Unsexed,’ leaving it to nature to reveal their gender.

The ratio of male chicks in “Unsexed” batches can vary widely, ranging from 0 to 100%.
On average, our customers typically receive a ratio of 40-60% male and female chicks, but there have been instances where an entire batch purchased turned out to be all male or all female. Unfortunately, in instances where the entire batch picked up turns out to be all males, we sometimes receive unwarranted blame. As much as we wish we could control the gender outcome, it ultimately depends on nature’s chance and the luck of the draw.

We want to ensure that all our customers fully understand this variability before making a purchase. If you’re not comfortable with this level of uncertainty, we kindly advise against purchasing “Unsexed” chicks.

More info available – Heritage chick sexing

Additional information

Select Breed

Chocolate Unique Bantam – Sexed female, Salmon Faverolles, Salmon Faverolles – Sexed female, The Odd Bunch, White/Blue egger – Sexed female, Mauve Bantam Orpington – Sexed female, Welsummer – Sexed female, Cream Legbar – Sexed female, Brahma Pyle, Pekin Blue/Black Mottled, Pekin Millefleur, Silkie Showgirl Blue/Black/Splash, Wyandotte Blue/Gold/Splash, Blue/Splash/Black bantam orpington, Buff Orpington Standard, Polish Frizzle, Polish, Belgian D'Uccle Porcelain / Millefleur, Chocolate Bantam Orpington, Marans -Black/Blue, Speckled Sussex, Silkie – Partridge & Buff Partridge, Silkie -Blue, Black & Splash, Araucana -Crested/Crestless type