Cockerels & Roosters


Birds are vaccinated as below
Upon hatch ;
– Marek’s disease upon
– Coccidiosis 4 stains

As they get older ;
– Mycoplasma (Chronic Respiratory disease) MS and MG Strains
– ILT A20 and SA2
– Infectious Coryza 1st and 2nd dose
– Worming and external parasite prevention up to date.


Pick up and Interstate Transport

For local pick up : We expect the birds to be picked up within 5 days from the purchase date by appointment.

For interstate transport : The arrangements must be discussed prior to purchase. The customer is responsible for selecting and coordinating with a transport company of their choice. Due to various factors beyond our control, we cannot take responsibility for the birds once they leave our care.

– Happy Tails Pet Transport (Click to view) travels from SA to VIC frequently.
– The Critter Coach (Click to view) services throughout Victoria and New South Wales, Adelaide and Queensland (Rockhampton).

There may be additional companies available. Please feel free to research and select the transport service you are most comfortable with. We do not have any affiliation with the companies mentioned above.

– Cockerels

Young males with some uncertainty regarding their final development, but with potential for breeding as they mature and fill out.

– Roosters

Mature, proven males that have successfully contributed to our breeding program. No longer required in our lines, they’ve served us well and are now offered to bring value to others.


Additional information

Select Breed

Araucana Blue/Splash/Black, Buff Orpington Standard A, Salmon Faverolles, Welsummer, Bantam Orpington *SEXED FEMALE*, Welsummer *SEXED FEMALE*, Cream Legbar *SEXED FEMALE*, Brahma Gold/Blue *SEXED FEMALE*, Pekin Blue/Black Mottled *Chance of frizzle*, Pekin Frizzle Blue/Black Mottled, Pekin Millefleur, Silkie Showgirl Blue/Black/Splash, Wyandotte Blue/Red/Splash, Blue/Splash/Black bantam orpington, Buff Orpington Standard, Polish Frizzle, Polish Buff/Gold *Chance of frizzle*, Chocolate Bantam Orpington, Copper Marans Black/Blue, Speckled Sussex