Wyandotte chicks are typically distinguishable by gender around 4-6 weeks of age. While males may exhibit slower development of wing and tail feathers compared to females, this is not always definitive. It’s advisable to check for differences in comb size, neck characteristics around the collar, and lacing type to accurately determine gender.

Around 5-6 weeks old, male Wyandotte chicks begin to develop a wider comb, often with a defined edge, and show a brighter pink coloration. In contrast, female chicks typically have a flatter and paler pink comb at this stage.

Female Wyandotte chicks often exhibit more defined lacing around the neck and above the chest, while males tend to have a more solid black base coloration in those areas.

As they mature, distinguishing between male and female Wyandotte chicks becomes clearer. Males typically display line-like markings on each feather, whereas females exhibit thicker lines with more prominent lacing. A key area to check is the feathers in the circled region, where males typically lack lacing while females start to show clear lacing patterns. *Please note that this can be vary depending on bloodlines*

Right: Black Laced Red. Left: Blue Laced Red. BOTH MALES, same hatch brothers.

Right: Blue Laced Red. Left: Black Laced Gold. BOTH FEMALES, Same age but unrelated.

The sexing tips provided on the website are based on our experiences with offspring from our specific bloodlines. Each bloodline carries its own unique genetics, leading to variations in traits and development rates. Therefore, we advise using our suggestions as general guidelines only.